3 Simple Steps to the Cleanest (Safest) Kitchen in New Jersey | AJ Perri
April 21, 2015

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 1 in 6 Americans gets sick from foodborne illnesses each year. That's a lot of sicknesses that could be prevented. While you can't avoid every cause of food related sickness, you can take measures to help protect yourself and your family. Step one is disinfecting your kitchen. Most people assume a clean kitchen is a safe one. That is not always the case. Assuming your kitchen is safe because it looks clean is a dangerous mistake to make. At A.J. Perri, we see kitchens on a daily basis. To help keep your kitchen among the cleanest and safest in New Jersey with these simple steps. Step One: Rethink Your Kitchen Sink Your kitchen sink sees a lot of action on a daily basis. Dirty dishes, utensils and food storage containers often hang out here, making your kitchen sink a breeding ground for bacteria. While your sink likely sees plenty of soap, we've got news for you- filling your sink up with soapy water to do the dishes isn't enough to keep it clean. To keep your sink from becoming one of the grossest places in your home, you should disinfect it at least once a week.
- To Do: Make it a habit to spray your entire sink, fixtures and all, with an antibacterial kitchen cleaner. Follow the directions on the label, but be sure to wipe it dry after you're finished. Damp conditions are breeding grounds for bacteria.
Step Two: Pay Attention to Your Countertops Your countertops are the most versatile features in your kitchen. Often used as storage, countertops double as food preparation surfaces in most kitchens. While you may already wipe your counters down with after you cook, are you disinfecting them before and after you prepare food?
- To Do: To ensure you are cooking and storing food in a safe kitchen, you should wipe your countertops down with an antibacterial kitchen cleaner daily.
Step Three: Your Sponges, Dishtowels and Cleaning Utensils According to recent findings by the public health organization NSF International, over 75% of dish sponges and towels harbor E. Coli. While you may be tempted to reuse the same dishtowel on a daily basis, doing so can contaminate other surfaces in your kitchen, along with your hands.
- To Do: Replace your dishtowel daily and use the hottest water and setting on your dryer to clean them. Spray your dish brushes with disinfectant daily and replace your sponge often as well. You can also disinfect your sponge by getting it damp and heating it in the microwave for two minutes a day. Just be sure your sponge is damp, or you may have a fire on your hands.
For more tips and tricks for your kitchen and bath, please visit our blog or give us a call. If you're in our New Jersey service area we would be happy to take care of all of your plumbing needs.